Faculty/Staff Directory
Phone: (708) 456-0300
Name | Department | Ext | |
Abate, Nannette | Adult Education | nannetteabate@0727k.com | 3793 |
Abbruscato, Dora | Student Services | doraabbruscato@0727k.com | 3230 |
Abbruscato, Rosa | Student Services | rosaabbruscato@0727k.com | 3246 |
Abezetian, Garrick | Finance | garrickabezetian@0727k.com | 3574 |
Abouelazm, Ayesha | Visual Communication/Graphics | ayeshaabouelazm@0727k.com | |
Abraham, Susan | Continuing Education | susanabraham@0727k.com | |
Abrantes, Rachelle | College Readiness | rachelleabrantes@0727k.com | |
Abtahi, Ali | College Readiness | aliabtahi@0727k.com | |
Ackley, Jeanne | Continuing Education | jeanneackley@0727k.com | 3495 |
Adams, Joseph | Continuing Education | josephadams@0727k.com | |
Adams, Jennifer | Dual Credit | jenniferadams3@0727k.com | |
Adams, Jacob | Visual Performing and Communication Arts | jacobadams@0727k.com | |
Adenekan, Olabisi | College Readiness | olabisiadenekan@0727k.com | |
Adeofe, Leke | Social Science | lekeadeofe@0727k.com | 3309 |
Adewale, Martes | Automotive | martesadewale@0727k.com | |
Affleck, Roger | Math | rogeraffleck@0727k.com | 3693 |
Aguirre, Susana | Human Resources | susanaaguirre@0727k.com | 3827 |
Ahmad, Junaid | Academic Success Center | junaidahmad@0727k.com | 3341 |
Ahmed, Syed | College Readiness | syedahmed@0727k.com | |
Ahmed, Mohammed | Cashier Office | mohammedahmed@0727k.com | 3670 |
Al-Ali, Ratib | Adult Education | ratibal-ali@0727k.com | |
Albaladejo, Carmen | Social Science | carmenalbaladejo@0727k.com | |
Alder, Brady | Academic Success Center | bradyalder@0727k.com | 3341 |
Alexander, David | Desktop Computing Solutions | davidalexander@0727k.com | 3997 |
Alexandru, Vica | Math | vicaalexandru@0727k.com | |
Allare, Robert | Social Science | robertallare@0727k.com | |
Allen, Sandy | Continuing Education | sandyallen@0727k.com | |
Aller, Keith | Criminal Justice | keithaller@0727k.com | |
Aller, Kelly | Adult Education | kellyaller@0727k.com | 3936 |
Allison, Tanisha | Finance | tanishaallison@0727k.com | |
Almaraz, Ervin | Operations & Maintenance | ervinalmaraz@0727k.com | |
Alsaadi, Alhussein | Engineering Technology | alhusseinalsaadi@0727k.com | |
Alvarado, Rafael | Business | rafaelalvarado@0727k.com | |
Alvarado, Jose | Operations & Maintenance | josealvarado3@0727k.com | |
Alvino, Frank | CIS/Computer Science | frankalvino@0727k.com | |
Anderson, David | CIS/Computer Science | davidanderson@0727k.com | 3349 |
Anderson, Angelica | Finance | angelicaanderson@0727k.com | |
Anderson, Rita | Continuing Education | ritaanderson@0727k.com | |
Anderson, Christina | Architecture | christinaanderson@0727k.com | |
Anderson, LaWanda | Nursing | lawandaanderson@0727k.com | |
Anderson, Michael | Dual Credit | michaelanderson@0727k.com | |
Andrei, Daniela | Chemistry | danielaandrei@0727k.com | |
Andress, Cathy | Behavioral Science | cathyandress@0727k.com | 6502 |
Anno, Mariko | Continuing Education | marikoanno@0727k.com | |
Ansel, Omana | Science | omanaansel@0727k.com | 6988 |
Antony, Ansamma | College Readiness | ansammaantony@0727k.com | |
Anzaldi, Natalie | Diagnostic Medical Sonography | natalieanzaldi@0727k.com | |
Anzona, Christopher | Health Sport and Exercise Science | christopheranzona@0727k.com | |
Arellanes, Rosalio | Operations & Maintenance | rosalioarellanes@0727k.com | 3210 |
Arens, Emily | ECE/Education | emilyarens@0727k.com |